Name: Dani
Location: Japan (From Chicago, USA)
Degree: BA in Liberal Studies, Certificate in Legal Studies
Japanese Proficiency: JLPT N1 (2024), Kanji Kentei Level 7 (2023)
Favorite Gundam Model: Deathscythe Hell
Hobbies: writing, gaming, playing piano, drinking tea
Favorite video games (mostly JRPGs)
Baten Kaitos, Breath of Fire IV, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Enchanted Arms, Fatal Frame III, Fields of Mistria, Final Fantasy VI, Fire Emblem PoR, Lufia II, MegaMan X & X5 & X8, Nancy Drew PC series, Okami, OU, Resident Evil 4, Sea of Stars, Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue I & II, Silent Hill 2 & 4 The Room, Star Ocean Second Story, Suikoden I & II & Tactics, Sword of Etheria, Tales of Symphonia, The Evil Within, Wild ARMs 1 & 3
Random interests
Gaming, music, writing romance, fanfics or original stories, BL, horror, philosophy, tea, baking cookies, photography, computers, Japanese language, learning new things, visiting cemeteries, petting hamsters, audio engineering, rain, hydrangeas, sorting things alphabetically, playing game music on the piano, digital coloring, HTML & CSS programming, commissioning artists to draw my OCs
Favorite characters (Because they deserve a shrine on this website, too!)
Lyude (Baten Kaitos), Lucca (Chrono Trigger), Ness & Jeff (EarthBound), Atsuma (Enchanted Arms), Kei Amakura (Fatal Frame), Locke (FF6), Soren (Fire Emblem), X & Axl (MegaMan X), Waka (Okami), Eike Kusch (Shadow of Memories), Vyse (Skies of Arcadia), Tails & Rouge (Sonic the Hedgehog), Hervey (Suikoden), Victor (Suikoden), Fiel (Sword of Etheria), Jett (Wild ARMs), Rudy (Wild ARMs)